Renew Materials

Automatic Renewals

For your convenience, we will automatically renew loans of three days or longer until borrowed items reach their final renewal date. For UMD undergraduate students, the end date for a regular book loan occurs 6 months after checkout.  For UMD graduate students, the end date for a regular book loan occurs 12 months after checkout. For Community Users, the end date for a regular book loan occurs 3 months after checkout.  Other materials have shorter renewal terms.

Items checked out for short-term loans (such as course reserve items) do not have the auto-renewal feature. You must return them by the time due.

Renewing on Your Own

You can renew your checked out items in three different ways:

If you keep a book or journal more than 30 days beyond its end renewal date, you will be billed for a lost item. Fees associated with a lost item include an overdue fine, a $100 replacement fee, plus $15 for processing. Materials loaned for shorter loans, such as media and reserve items, will be billed as lost sooner than long-term loans.

If you have any difficulty renewing materials, please call the Circulation desk at 218-726-6120.

Interlibrary Loan Renewals

To renew items borrowed from libraries other than those in the University of Minnesota system, log in to your interlibrary loan (ILL) account and select "renew." Renewal requests should be placed before an item becomes due.