provides an immersive multimedia experience to explore human body systems. provides a 1 stop for 3D models, movements, layers, bisections, and other resources that can assist a student in understanding the complexity of human movement.
Suggestions for incorporating modules into courses:
- Anatomy and Physiology: Recommended for 200-level Anatomy & Physiology courses. Provides a general overview of core A&P topics and could be used as a virtual textbook on some topics.
- 3D Atlas: Recommended for availability of multiple types of content in one area (3D Views, Clinical Text, Movies, Imaging, etc). This module has a very detailed clinical text section describing structures.
- 3D Real Time: Recommended for anyone looking to make custom views, simulate virtual dissection, and supplement with VR content.
- Primal VR is available on the MetaQuest Platform and is also available for PC VR. Interested faculty or programs in exploring Virtual Reality can contact [email protected] to schedule group and/or individual demonstrations and to begin planning classroom integrations.
We also have additional module suggestions for the following UMD programs:
- Communication Disorders: Under the Clinical Specialties section, you can find modules on Audiology and Speech Language Pathology.
- Exercise Science and Sports Medicine: The Functional Anatomy and Therapy and Diseases and Conditions modules may be of interest.
For assistance adding to your curriculum, contact your UMD subject librarian.
Important: When linking to content in library databases, remember that off campus access requires links to include the library’s proxy prefix in order trigger authentication, so the database knows what campus users belong to. The library has a guide on adding this prefix: Linking to Library Resources