Get It!
For Students, Faculty, and Staff
For Community Users
Students, Faculty, and Staff:
You can request physical materials to be held at a pickup location of your choice or mailed to you, if the material is in any University of Minnesota library. Just sign into the library catalog, search for an item, click its title, and choose Get It (when available).
Please note that this Get It differs from Interlibrary Loan, which brings you materials from libraries outside of the University system, requiring a longer wait. Use Get It as your first choice when available.
For Students, Faculty , and Staff you can select the items you want from the library catalog and manage renewals all from within “My Account.”
Requests from U of M Campuses
When you find a title in the library catalog and click on the Get It! button, we try to obtain a copy of it.
After retrieval, it will either be held at your selected pickup location or mailed to the address you provided when placing the request. You will receive an email when it is ready for pickup or is mailed out to you.
Items eligible for Get It! include books, bound periodicals, and music scores—items that circulate for at least one week.
Finding Library Materials
- Materials that aren't owned by any University of Minnesota library
- Reference or other non-circulating items
For help or more information, stop at the Circulation desk or contact us at [email protected], or 218-726-6120.
For Community Users
Request Materials
Community Users with a courtesy card can request materials from the Kathryn A. Martin Library or from other University of Minnesota libraries. Ask at the Circulation desk and staff can place requests on your behalf.
We will:
- Retrieve materials from the stacks for you
- Request items from other U of M campus libraries
Items eligible for request include books, bound periodicals, and music scores—titles that regularly circulate for at least one week.
You'll be emailed when it is ready for pickup at the Circulation desk.
Staff at the Circulation desk can help you search for materials. If we don't find what you need right away, we will place a request on your behalf and continue searching for the item.
Title Not Available?
You can use MnLINK Gateway to search online catalogs of Minnesota public, school, state government, and university libraries. Search by region or group to place your requests. Then select a participating library where you have a current borrowing card. Your requests can be picked up at your library once they are received.
The Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) is a collection of research and information databases to be used by Minnesota residents through their school, public, academic, and state government libraries or the ELM Portal. ELM provides online access to magazine, journal, newspaper, and encyclopedia articles, eBooks (online books), and other information resources.
You can find information on a vast array of topics, including consumer information, arts and humanities, current events, health, science, social science, politics, business, and more.
Another resource available to Minnesota residents through ELM is Ebooks Minnesota. Minnesota readers can access the collection online at and via free apps from iTunes, Google Play, and Kindle. The collection contains more than 2,000 books, including titles from these Minnesota publishers:
- University of Minnesota Press
- Lerner Publishing Group
- Cherry Lake Publishing
- Milkweed Press
- Coffeehouse Press
Nonfiction titles from Arcadia Publishing about Minnesota and its history are also included in the collection, along with a selection of popular titles that are in the public domain, such as Dracula and Jane Eyre.