Pay Fines & Fees - Faculty and Staff


Late or Lost?


If items reach their end renewal date and are not returned within 30 days, you will be billed a replacement charge of $100 plus a processing fee of $15. If you return an item with a "lost" status, the replacement and processing fees will be deducted from your bill. Items on short-term loan will be billed as lost before they become 30 days overdue. Fees will be automatically transferred to the University Business Office for billing after 30 days.


Faculty and staff will be billed for damaged library materials. The faculty or staff member is responsible for paying these fees. Library privileges may be blocked due to fines.

Blocked or Barred Privileges

You may be subject to the loss of borrowing privileges, as well as interlibrary loan privileges, in the following circumstances:

  • if you have fees for non-returned items in excess of $9.99
  • if four or more items become overdue
  • if interlibrary loan items checked out to you become overdue, lost, or damaged