Cite Your Sources

Citation Styles

Consult our citation style guide for help formatting in-text citations and bibliographies. If you need help with citations, contact a librarian!

UMD Supported Citation Managers

Citation managers are digital tools that can assist researchers in organizing, storing and creating bibliographies of their research process. These resources allow you to organize permalinks, PDFs, and customized notes for sources you find. For further reading, the University of Minnesota Libraries offer an excellent page about Citation Management Tools.


Zotero is a free citation manager that allows you collect, organizes, cite and share your resources. It's easy to use and lives in your web browser where you do your work. A Zotero download is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Extensive documentation for Zotero provides installation guidance, quick start guide, and tutorials.


Mendeley Desktop discontinued as of September 1, 2022

Mendeley had been running two versions of their reference management system: the older Mendeley Desktop and newer Mendeley Reference Manager. They are discontinuing the old version (Mendeley Desktop) as of September 1, 2022. 

This will not affect the citations users have saved in either Mendeley version, but may affect the functionality of the software on your computer.

Current users of Mendeley Desktop will be able to continue using the discontinued application installed on their computers, but there will not be updates and it will not be compatible with future operating systems. 

All new users will only have the option to use Mendeley Reference Manager. Mendeley Reference Manager and the Mendeley Cite add-in for Word is web-based and, therefore, incompatible with the University’s OIT-supplied version of Office365. 

For temporary functionality, users can install the Mendeley Reference Manager Mendeley Cite add-in to Microsoft Word by first logging out of their UMN accounts.

Mac: In the Microsoft Word menu (next to the Apple icon), select Word>Sign out.

Windows: Select File>Account>Sign out

We recommend that all Mendeley users switch to Zotero. Instructions for this are at: