Study Room Policy

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Group Study Room

Group study rooms can be used by UMD students, faculty, and staff for studying and academic projects.

We expect study room users to behave in a manner consistent with the Library Use Policy, the UMD Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution, and the University of Minnesota Board of Regents Student Code of Conduct (PDF).

Study Room Policy

  1. A study room may be booked for up to 3 hours per day. The key must be returned to the Circulation desk by the end of the reservation time. *During summer months, rooms may be booked for as long as the library is open (see library hours).
  2. The key needs to be picked up from the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor within the first 15 minutes of the scheduled time. If keys are not picked up within the first 15 minutes, the reservation will be canceled so others can use the room.
  3. When a key is lost or not returned, the individual who booked the room is responsible for replacement costs. The lost item replacement fee is $100, and the associated processing fee is $15.
  4. The following activities are not allowed in the group study rooms: holding office hours or regularly scheduled classes, conducting recruitment sessions, or engaging in activities that are disruptive to others or could damage the room (ex: painting, practicing music, partying, etc).
  5. Acts of misconduct as defined by the Student Conduct Code are grounds for being asked to vacate a group study room. Violations will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution.

Approved by Library Leadership Team on February 23, 2023.