Food and Drink Policy

Kathryn A. Martin Library Policy


Food and drinks are allowed in most spaces in the library, with the expectation that all library users will behave in a way that is respectful of other users, staff, library materials, and the building.

Users are asked to:

  • Dispose of waste properly. Place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable trash in garbage cans. If you need to dispose of beverages, pour liquids in a bathroom sink and then dispose or recycle the container.
  • Be mindful of neatness and spills and tidy up your area when you leave. The library needs to be safe for all users, so be respectful of those with food allergies and/or sensitivities. Report any accidental spills to library staff immediately.
  • Follow any posted signage regarding if food is permitted in certain spaces.

Food and drinks are not permitted in the Library Annex. Classroom spaces will have signage indicating if food or drinks are permitted.

Users who disregard this policy will be asked to put the food and drink away, dispose of it, or remove it from the library.

The Library Director reserves the right to suspend this policy for special events.

This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure that the library’s collections, furnishings and equipment are not being adversely affected by food and drink.

Approved by the Library Leadership Team 
Date of approval: August 2021

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