Listening Project: Superior Shorts

The Kathryn A. Martin Library’s Listening Project, in coordination with Superior Shorts, will host a special live reading of short stories by local artists on Tuesday, April 16 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm in the Library’s 4th Floor Rotunda. This event is free and open to the public.

The Performers

  • Tolu Ekisola, actor, UMD SFA student - "The You Train" by N.K. Jemisin

  • Katie Jacobson of Renegade Theater - "Exhortation" by George Saunders

  • Julie Ahasay of Renegade Theater, former Communications faculty - "The Canary" by Katherine Mansfield

  • Kendra Carlson, producer, ELWS faculty - “Cherry Blossom Time” by Lucia Berlin (time permitting)

What is the Listening Project?

The Listening Project was initiated by staff at UMD’s Kathryn A. Martin Library who were seeking a way to foster communication and understanding between members of the campus community. This sparked a realization that we cannot understand each other’s stories until we are able to truly hear them. In order to hear, we must know how to listen.

Libraries have always had a core function of connecting speakers with listeners through the written word. Martin Library wants to see what happens when “reading” (listening) takes place in other contexts.

What is Superior Shorts?

Superior Shorts is an evening of short fiction brought to life by local performing artists. The literature is presented around a theme chosen by the host to delight and move audiences. Superior Shorts proudly makes its home at Teatro Zuccone, 222 East Superior Street.

Contact Adam Brisk ([email protected], 218-726-6603) with questions or requests for accomodations.

Publication Date