Library Use
The Kathryn A. Martin Library is committed to providing a welcoming learning environment that is safe, well-maintained, and conducive to study and research for all users. While we primarily focus on current faculty, students, and staff, the University of Minnesota is a land grant institution and our collections are accessible to the general public.
Library users are expected to treat library staff, other library users, the facilities, and materials with respect. Users are also expected to abide by all relevant University policies, the UMD Student Conduct Code, and relevant federal, state, and municipal laws.
Children under the age of 18 unaffiliated with a UMD program must be accompanied by an adult.
Disruptive and destructive behavior will not be tolerated; this behavior may include but is not limited to
- Engaging in sexual harassment and/or overt sexual behavior.
- Assaulting or harassing library staff or users through language or actions.
- Creating excessive noise or commotion or interfering with the use of the library by others.
- Refusing to leave the library buildings at closing time, or refusing to leave group study rooms at the end of the booked time period.
- Damaging library materials, furnishings, walls, and equipment.
- Theft of library materials.
When library users engage in disruptive or destructive behavior, library staff will take steps toward resolving the concern, which may include the following:
- Library staff may speak with users and attempt to resolve concerns.
- Anyone engaging in disruptive or destructive behavior may be asked to leave and may be denied further access to the library.
- Library employees are authorized to refer students to the Office of Student Conduct. Library employees also are authorized to call Campus Police when someone is acting violently or causing harm.
Related Policies (links):
User behavior should also be informed by the following library and campus policies:
- Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy
- Acceptable Use of Library Computer Workstations Policy
- Library Food and Drink Policy
- Board of Regents Student Conduct Code
- Board of Regents Faculty and Staff Code of Conduct
- Board of Regents Policy on Alcoholic Beverages on Campus
- Distribution of Temporary Information through Publications, Banners or Chalking
- University Relations Filming and Photography Policy
- University Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy
- University Animals on Campus Policy
- The Kathryn A. Martin Library upholds and applies the Kirby Student Center Policies:
Approved by Library Leadership Team on April 20, 2021.